Thursday 19 May 2011

The Week That Was

The following were the articles which I wrote for my College’s weekly newsletter Atulya. These are the unedited manuscripts which has loads of grammatical mistakes and offensive stuffs J. But hey have fun reading it because it has all my moanings about the world and life as a student of MBA :). So here it goes-->

When I was asked if I could do a column on politics and summarize the past week’s happenings as a whole for this newsletter I was having doubts about it, on whether I would actually be able to do it. It’s not that I don’t trust in my ability to write or anything, it’s just that I start dozing off even before I start reading news about politics, I know many of you would agree with me, because, a lot of things that happens in the world of politics do not seem to make any sense at all.
Take for example, the headlines of The Hindu on Monday (26/10/09) it read India, China agree not to amplify differences, everyone knows that India and China have problem over border issues, so our honored prime minister had a formal dinner with China’s premier Wen Jiabao. It seems they spoke about everything in the dinner except the border issues because it might offend him. On Wednesday the foreign ministers of India, China & Russia met with each other and after having some hot Chai and Pakoda in a nicely air conditioned room, they decided to step up dialogue (India, China decide to step up dialogue, The Hindu), what were they thinking when they come out and give press releases like that?
The Chinese went to the extent of giving separate visa’s for Kashmiri people and our foreign ministers decided to step up the dialogue, WTF? Imagine if you and your friend have a fight and he punches you in your face and you ending up with a broken nose and a black eye. You visit him a week later and you have a dinner with him and discuss, everything-but what actually created a fight and you tell everyone later on that you decided to step up the dialogue. It doesn’t make any sense to me.
(30/10/09) $2.3-billion U.S. military aid to Pakistan, the government has given that money asking Pak to counter terrorists and not to divert funds for unlawful use. We all know how capable their military is, don’t we?  90 killed, over 200 injured as blasts rocks Peshawar (29/10/09) was the headline on Thursday, it seems that the Pakistani terrorists have still not stopped their diwali celebrations, they seem to plant bombs everywhere and it might be because that bombs are cheaper than a bottle of coke to them. How on earth did the US believe that this incapable army despite having its headquarters attacked a week ago would actually invest in a proper way?
I think Pak still considers India to be a major threat and spends gazillions on safeguarding unmanned mountain peaks, I guess it must be tough being a Pakistani soldier sitting and waiting for a possible Indian attack. When has India ever attacked anything? We haven’t invaded any country for 10,000 years and we wouldn’t in the near future too because most of us are either too busy working our socks off or watching telly.
Talking about telly, when India lost on the first ODI everyone was giving their mouth off to Dhoni and Co. and everyone had an opinion of their own, saying it’s high time that Dhoni should be removed from captaincy. Dhoni has evolved over the years (30/10/09) was what The Hindu had to say after his heroic performance in the 2nd ODI. Regular readers of the newspaper would remember that it was spending pages and pages, canvassing that Dhoni is past his prime. It’s just hilarious to see sudden change of tone overnight.
On the same day Harbhajan not a force against Aussies, was an opinion by some journalist on The Hindu, I would bet my mortgage on that, that the same guy would write Bhajji has evolved over the years and is a force to reckon with and has contributed to India’s revival, if he gets a hat trick in the forthcoming ODIs. These people just want to write something just to keep the reader’s happy and increase circulation, but we are certainly not going to do that in this newsletter, I believe. It’s up to you readers whether to read my rants every week or not. Please feel free to give suggestions and help us make this newsletter a success. See you all next week, signing off, ‘’Sayonara’’. (I’m a Japanese student, hehe).

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