Friday 20 May 2011

The Week That Was-Edition 13

The Week That Was  (28/08/2010)                                                                  
What a week it was, I am sure everyone in the campus had great fun last week. Events like WOW are one of a kind and those who participated in it and would have got so many valuable lessons; at least I did when I was in 1st year.  I really feel sorry for the MP’s who got a meagre pay rise after so many struggles; the Congress government is really focussing on the pressing issues of today’s world. Almost 88 MP’s including Sonia, Rahul Gandhi, Mulayam Singh Yadav, L K Advani and Lalu Prasad have not asked even a single question during the question hour in the Lok Sabha for the last 1year, I am sure being a MP must be really tough. The idiots are wasting too much money on the Commonwealth games, till date the government (central &state) has spent Rs. 28,000crores. Who on earth needs Common Wealth? I would like to take the javelin used by the athletes and shove it up the backside of Mr. Suresh Kalmadi and his colleagues.  A recent survey by University of Oxford revealed that there are more poor people in eight Indian states than in the 26 poorest African countries combined. One useless man is called a disgrace, two become a law and three or more become a congress.

 Recently I read that all schools in US and UK are trying to ban Ipods in classrooms, I don’t understand the logic behind this unless they think Eminem is going to rap all the answers to the students in the examination hall. Talking about examinations, it’s a shame that 5judges were caught cheating by the AP government during the LLM exams. Those losers didn’t even take a bit of paper; they were too greedy to take the entire book to the examination hall, which clown selected them as a judge in the first place? I am sure the exam hall would have had a supervisor like me, during the prelims for WOW, I was accused of being involved in too many malpractices, I deny all allegations and I request CBI to investigate the issue.  I was thinking twice about writing this week’s column because I couldn’t get any access to any of the online newspapers I refer frequently, thanks to the pathetic Wi-Fi. I had to sit and read more than 7newspapers digging for information, I would like to rename it as Si-Fi (Signal-less Fidelity). At least it isn’t as bad as the Chinese roads, the Vehicles, mostly lorries bound for Beijing, are in a queue for about 100km (62 miles) because of heavy traffic, road works and breakdowns and it takes 9days to cross that area. Imagine going to your neighbouring city with enough food and clothes to cover you for a fortnight, it must be really crazy out there I guess.

A British Airways pilot scared the crap out of all the passengers by pressing a wrong button, triggering an announcement that the aircraft was about to make an emergency landing on water. Imagine a female voice saying “We are about to make an emergency landing, please don’t panic” when in reality the idiotic pilot was in fact playing with the buttons. The British police are on a massive hunt to find a 50year old woman who dumped a 4year old cat into a dust bin. They say it’s a cruel action and the offender must be punished, I wonder how the police department in England have time for such trivial pursuits. In India the rapists, child molesters, Anderson’s and Ramalinga Raju’s walk freely on the roads without being scared of anything. Last time when I went home, I met a good friend of mine who is extremely talented. I say he is extremely talented because he studied his B.E. for 5years because he had so many arrears, obviously he didn’t get placed in any college and guess what he is doing right now? He joined as a lecturer in the very same college he studied; the college is located in Trichy. When he told about his teaching pedagogy I nearly collapsed, he said he divides the entire class into 20teams and lets them teach the entire syllabus through presentations.

So I was least surprised when I read the following news,  As per the study of over 40,000 technical graduates conducted by assessment technology company Aspiring Minds, just 18 per cent of the fresh technical graduates surveyed, possessed right skills to be eligible for jobs in IT services companies. The state of our education system is appalling, when was the last time we read about an Indian University making a cutting edge technological innovation? Universities in UK and USA make so many innovations because their education system is pragmatic and they spend very little time on memorising non sense theories. I am sure everyone here must have read stuffs like Theoretical Geometry, Trigonometry...etc are you using any of it right now? What about the endless lessons about how fertile the Nile region is in Geography? There are just 3kinds of students in India, those who can count and those who can’t and 4 out of every 3 students have a tough time understanding fractionsJ. Enough about education, there are loads of questions which I need answer for, Is it true that cannibals won’t eat clowns because they taste funny? Do they use sterilized needles for lethal injections? If Harry Potter is so magical then why couldn’t he cure his own sight? Ifthi is in pursuit of knowledge and wisdom, please join his quest. That’s it for this week ladies and ladies (I don’t give a damn about the Un-Gentlemen, hehe), I will see you when I see you.

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